Happy to share this great initiative with you, as we have decided to set up three beehives in our beautiful Landewyck Park, located in the heart of the city!
Many thanks to the beekeeper Hunnegkescht for the installation and the different advices he gave us on how to best welcome our new neighbours. We will have the opportunity to taste our own honey, which comes directly from the flowers in the park.
This initiative also reinforces our many commitments to the sustainability certification of PAP Nei Hollerich, which we have obtained from the DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen) in 2021.
We also plan to put beehives on some of the roofs of our next buildings in the Nei Hollerich district, but also other projects will be implemented to promote and preserve biodiversity.
If you want to have more information about Hunnegkescht please visit: www.hunnegkescht.lu